We use Sketchfab, a third-party service owned by Epic Games, to upload and display 3D models on resource pages as an optional service for creators. Sketchfab’s service usually costs $15/month for their Pro plan to gain access to important features like private uploads and customising the background, but BuiltByBit is providing access to this for free as a part of Pro resources.

3D previews are only available for resources uploaded in the Builds and 3D Models categories.

Using the 3D Preview increases the likelihood that a user will buy your resource as they will be able to more clearly see what they’re buying in advance.

How to use 3D Previews

Our 3D Previews system is extremely easy to use! For 3D models it’s as simple as uploading the model file under the ‘Media’ tab when editing your resource. The process is a bit more complex for builds as you’ll need to convert your build to a model file, and we have clear instructions for how to do that here:

How to set up 3D Previews for Builds

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