There are two ways that you can enable 3D previews for your build resources on BuiltByBit. Click on the arrows below for instructions on how to set up each:

Embed an existing Sketchfab model

If you’re an existing user of Sketchfab and have uploaded your build model to their website in the past, then you can link that model to be embedded on your product page instead of having to upload it again and maintain a second version.

If you don’t already have your content uploaded via Sketchfab, then we recommend using BuiltByBit’s built-in uploader for ease, convenience, and avoid having to pay for uploads. Uploading through BuiltByBit does mean that you will be unable to access some customisability features, but the simple options we provide are recommended for most authors.


  1. Open your Sketchfab model’s page and copy the 32-character ID at the end of your URL

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  2. When editing your resource select the Media tab and enable 3D Previews

  3. Select ‘Link existing model’ and paste the 32-character ID

  4. Click Save

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